Optimism Health Group is a healthcare investment business, focussing specifically on the rapidly growing market for the provision of healthcare products and clinical services to older people.
Outside Clinic Group
In November 2020, we completed the acquisition of Outside Clinic, which was established 33 years ago and is a UK market leader in the provision of domiciliary eye care and hearing care, annually visiting over 100,000 older people in their homes. www.outsideclinic.co.uk
In September 2021, Optimism acquired Visioncall, the UK's leading provider of eye care services in care homes. Founded in 2001, Visioncall operates across the UK, providing eye care services to over 100,000 residents in over 5,000 care homes. www.vision-call.co.uk
In January 2022, Optimism acquired Care Opticians, a national provider of domiciliary eye care to older people in their own homes, care homes and sheltered housing. www.careopticians.co.uk
In October 2022, Optimism acquired Bloom Hearing Services, a national provider of hearing care services. www.bloomhearing.co.uk.
Matrix Clinics Group
In June 2021, we formed Matrix Clinics Group, an independent clinics business. We have invested in our first ophthalmology clinic in Wiltshire. www.matrixeyeclinic.com.
In August 2022, we completed an equity fundraising to support the development of national group of clinics for privately funded eye surgery, partnering with some of the UK’s most accomplished eye surgeons. At the same time we invested in Custom Vision Clinic, a highly regarded Opthalmology clinic in Yorkshire. www.customvisionclinic.com
Optimism will make further acquisitions of complementary businesses in the eye care and hearing sector as well as other businesses that provide technology solutions and healthcare services to the older demographic.
The Group is supported by UK and internationally based private investors and family offices.
For further information, please contact Henry Pitman, Chief Executive of Optimism Health Group.